Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10, 2014:  (Here is how everything happened on Monday):  I finally got two solid offers for the heater, almost at the same time this morning. The first one was from O.C. who offered me an antique pocket watch that was made in 1874. Actually, he offered the watch last week, but I wasn’t sure if it was a good trade until I did some research. Last Friday, I said that I would take the offer, but we never connected until he called my secretary (mom) this morning. Here’s a little bit of information about O.C.:  His actual name is Francis, but he was nicknamed O.C. which is an abbreviation of his last name (given to him by his drill sergeant). He's a chef in the army and has to work a lot of long hours. Originally, he is from Connecticut, and has been in Colorado since 2008. That’s when he got the watch in a trade deal; he originally traded an outdoor shed for it.
   The other thing that happened this morning is that I got a great offer form one of my teachers, but I had already committed to O.C. I met him late tonight and we made the trade. The pocket watch is really cool and I found out that it’s worth $200-$300. I think this might be an even trade from the heater, but that’s okay. I hope my teacher will be interested in the watch. 

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